Skip tutorial: Copy Google Doc or print the PDF

Step 1: Frame your Thinking

Think about a recent experience where you felt:

  • Disappointment

  • Shame

  • Confused

  • Surprised

  • Anger

  • Sadness

Who were you unhappy with?

  • Yourself

  • Your partner

  • Your family member(s)

  • Your friend(s)

  • Your coworker(s)

Were they acting maliciously* to cause harm? If not, what system(s) impacted the experience and outcome? Could you or your team do something to make that system more robust to failures?

* If players act in bad faith or maliciously, deeper relationship improvement tools are likely needed. See resources for some frameworks that might help.

Step 2: Fill out the workbook

What Happened?

What did you learn?

What worked?

What didn’t work?

Where were you lucky/unlucky?

What will you change next time?

More thorough retros include these optional sections:


Root Cause Analysis

Pattern Matching

Ready to try it out? Make a copy of the Google Doc or print the PDF

Step 3: Learn and Share

Learning happens as soon as we write things down, but lessons are more sticky when we share with partners, family members, and friends. Consider sharing your document with others or talk about it over a coffee or on a walk and talk.

Want to share it with a broader audience? Email us at and sign up to be a guest on our podcast.