Hindsight Retros

The art and science of learning from life

Better vacations Better home improvement Better relationships Better communities

Hindsight Retros Podcast has launched!
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We all mess up. Sometimes badly.

A blameless retrospective (aka retro) transforms a disastrous vacation, home improvement gone wrong, or intramural team loss into deep learning and brings us closer together.

Quick Start

The first ingredient is a blameless attitude. When we blame others, harms multiply and we avoid the learning we need for next time.

With a blameless approach, we ask where our systems went wrong, not who’s to blame. Focusing on system weaknesses is at the heart of the Hindsight Retros process.

Once our mind is set on learning, the workbook is straightforward. Simply capture what happened, consider what worked and what didn’t work, and think about what you’ll change next time.

Talking through and sharing your learnings with others makes the retro even more impactful. Modeling a blameless and systems improvement mindset can lead to deep change for everyone in your life.

Ready to try? Pick an experience, make a copy of our workbook, and start writing.

If a wider audience might be interested in what you learned, drop us a line so you can help others!

If you have questions, Real Retro examples could be useful, or discuss with our community on Substack Chat.